Amy first began her musical training when she was 5 years old. Beginning piano lessons with her mother, she learned to love music, long before she knew it would be her life’s calling. She started violin lessons just after her sixth birthday and soon adopted the instrument as her lifelong friend. She finds joy in playing classical, improvisational, fiddling, and Celtic styles.
Heavily-involved with her family in music ministry, Amy’s life has been devoted to sharing her love and that of her Lord, Jesus Christ, through helping lead worship ministries in numerous churches, singing and composing original songs, and playing instruments such as violin, piano, and harp. This ministry has spread from her hometown of San Antonio, Texas, to numerous states across the U.S. and to the mission fields in Asia, Europe, and beyond.
Amy graduated from Louisiana Baptist University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education (an emphasis in Elementary Education), a Bachelor’s Degree in Music, and a Minor in Biblical Studies and Theology. She has further developed her musical knowledge while participating in the San Antonio Harp Ensemble for six years and the Glad Tidings Vocal Ensemble (a Renaissance chorale) for two seasons. Amy also is an active member of the music ministry at First Baptist Church of San Antonio, assisting in vocal and instrumental leadership in its two Sunday services singing as a first soprano in the Sanctuary Choir
Amy first began her career as a music instructor at the age of 15 and found it to be a lifelong passion. She delights in helping others love music and in equipping them to use their God-given abilities wherever they are called.